Saturday, July 30, 2011

City Rain

Sheets of water poured from the hovering grey canvas

That was stretched across the dome of sky

Misty, foggy air hung like a watery veil

Over the city streets and monolithic skyscrapers

That spiraled upward towards the heavens, whose tops were lost in the vaporous mist

The rain, the rain, the rain, shrouding my city in her liquid clothes

Dampening her heart and soul, entrancing her into a soothing melancholy trance

As the rain drops tap out the rhythm to the rainy melody sang from my misty saturated city

Inebriated, yet liberated by the liquor from above:

Pour down on me, run down these streets

Saturate me fully, quench this heat

Wash away yesterday’s filth

Cleanse me once again

Pour down on me, oh precious rain.


Brian Miller said...

ahh...this feels so it when it rains...the sounds and feeling it on the skin...yes wash me...well spun

Anonymous said...

That was us last week... a sheet of rain from about. You have caught the moment perfectly.

Sheila said...

I enjoyed all of the images you have painted here with your words...this one is my favorite: The rain, the rain, the rain, shrouding my city in her liquid clothes. love it!

Christine said...

Vivid images, great lines

Anonymous said...

Pour down on me, run down these streets
Saturate me fully, quench this heat
Wash away yesterday’s filth
Cleanse me once again

Such a primal need and longing. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

The rain is different in the city--"tops.. lost in the vaporous mist"--I love that.

Unknown said...

great poem ....dancing in warm rain is so liberating but i suppose you need to be in the country for that ! thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

A lot of great sensory input.