Sunday, December 4, 2011

Manger Scenes in Blue Ridge?

After the light up Blue Ridge Festivities last weekend, the children and I drove through downtown Blue Ridge, Georgia to check out the Christmas lights. While driving by the Christmas light displays in the Blue Ridge Park located in downtown, my 10 year old daughter asked me, "Where is the Manger Scene?" I begin looking real close at the holiday light displays for a Nativity Scene and to my dismay, I could not find one. Thinking that I must have overlooked the Nativity scene, I made another circle around the Christmas Light displays and still did not see one. The next night, when I went to workout at Downtown Blue Ridge Fitness Center I circled the displays again hoping to find a Nativity Scene, no could find.

Why the big deal about a Nativity Scene? Well, the last time I checked, Christmas is a holiday that celebrates the birth of Christ. The word Christmas even spells it out. Since Christmas is a holiday that recognizes the birth of Christ, it is only logical that there should be appropriate decorations that recognize the basis of the holiday. Santa Claus, reindeer, sleighs, and Winter scenes are all fine, but why not include lights and scenes that portray what the holiday is really all about.

Maybe it was just an oversight, or maybe there is a Nativity Scene amidst the other decorations that I am not seeing or maybe quaint little Blue Ridge, Ga has become politically correct. If that is the case, may we all reminded that Christmas has traditionally been about the birth of Christ. December 25 may not be His actual birthday, but is is a day set aside that we recognize the birth of Jesus. Whether people believe that Jesus is the Son of God and Savior of the world is irrelevant, Christmas is set aside to recognize His birthday. That being the case, I believe the Christmas decorations in Blue Ridge should reflect the true meaning of the season.

On a more positive note, Mark Seven Auto Detailing has a Nativity Scene at their location on Hwy 515 and Cochran's Jewelry has a Nativity Scene in their window display. Hats off to these businesses who get the true meaning of the holiday.

If I have somehow overlooked a Nativity Scene in Downtown Blue Ridge, please leave a comment and let me know I will gladly update this post.

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