Thursday, December 1, 2022

Apple and China

 Just seen it on Fox News tonight, Tim Cook, Apple CEO, when asked about China human right abuses, refused to comment. When he was asked about Air Drop being disabled on iPhones in China, he also refused to comment. This was a big deal if you are a dissenter in China, according to news sources, the Chinese Government surveils their citizens which makes it hard for dissenters to communicate without the government listening in. However, with the Air Drop feature on the iPhone, individuals can communicate peer to peer without the Chinese official listening in. By disabling the Air Drop feature for iPhones in China, it made so protestors could not communicate without being listened to. My question to Tim Cook is this, Did Apple do this on purpose and why would Apple want to work with a Communist regime against their citizens? Two valid questions Cook should answer, two questions the media needs to be asking.

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