Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Blue Ridge State of Mind

What is Blue Ridge, is it a quaint little town in North Georgia? Is it a tourist trap? Another vacation getaway or a place to escape to from the big city? Or maybe just a place for the money makers to make a dollar or two. Well it is more than that to me, it is my hometown that has been invaded by the masses, people trying to find something to fill their empty souls. Will they find that magic something here that will satisfy their souls or will they find outstretched hands of locals trying to capitalize on their wondering hearts. For you that will venture to visit this wonderful place called Blue Ridge, Ga, know this, Blue Ridge now is a far cry from the place I remember growing up in. It was a place that you looked forward to going on Saturday morning, sometimes it was a haircut from the well known local barber shop, maybe a  visit with the local bank or a special trip to Western Auto for guns, ammo, including bb for my Daisy BB rifle or new arrows for my recurve bow I got for Christmas. Anyways it was a treat to go to downtown  not just on Saturday morning but through the week as well. I fear those days will never return but i still remember a small town that was alive with people, real people who were just trying to make a living who came to town because they needed the elemental necessities of life, People who went to downtown Blue Ridge because they needed something, a product or a service not those busybodies who wonder aimlessly along overfilling their bellies amd dart in and out of shops that sell nothing I need in particular who hold very little appeal to me. So come on to Blue Ridge, you may enjoy your stay but you wil never know her like i knew her,we go back a long way. 

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