Saturday, December 4, 2010

Benefits of Composting

Composting is the process by which plants and other organic materials decompose into an earthy nutrient rich substance that makes an excellent fertilizer. As a fertilizer, compost can be used for houseplants, vegetable gardens and flower beds. Households can do their own composting by starting a compost pile or by using a compost bin. Composting is not only beneficial for those who use the compost but has environmental benefits as well.

Reduces the Amount of Waste in Landfills
It is estimated that kitchen and yard refuse comprise 30 per cent of landfill content. A compost bin is an alternative method of disposing of kitchen and yard waste as opposed to using a landfill for disposal. The utilization of compost bins or compost piles is a step towards reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills.

Reduces Methane Gas and Acidic Leachate
Yard debris deposited in a landfill takes a very long time to decompose due to a lack of oxygen. As the debris decomposes in a landfill it leads to the production of methane gas and acidic leachate, leachate is any liquid that flows through the debris in a landfill that contains particles of the debris. Both methane gas and acidic leach are not desirable for the environment

Positive Effect on the Soil and Air
A compost bin gives kitchen waste and yard debris an opportunity to breakdown naturally. When this process takes place through natural means such as bacteria, fungi, insects, and worms it allows for nutrients to be put back into the soil and for carbon dioxide to be released back into the atmosphere.


The Compost Queen: 2 Good Reasons to Compost []


Mass: Low Cost Compost Bins


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