Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Is There Life Beyond the Grave?

Is There Life Beyond the Grave?

This is the question that many wonder about, is there life after death? To find the answer perhaps we should look to the one who was raised from the dead some 2000 years, none other than Christ Jesus. Jesus was crucified, died and a few days later was seen by his followers; who testified to Him being alive. There are many resources online and in print that testifies to the historical evidence for Jesus, here is one such source There is, of course, the bible of which some scholars say is a very accurate history book, but I wanted to share a source outside the bible to get an unbiased answer to the question of life after death. You might also consider first-century disciples of Jesus who died for testifying of the risen Christ, it is highly unlikely that they would die for a hoax. So is their life after death, Jesus died, rose again and says to those who place their trust in Him, because I live, you will also. "I am going away but if I go away I will come back and receive you to myself that where I am you may also be", words of Jesus Christ, John 14

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